Additional Studies
When you participate in BEACoN you may be eligible to participate in other studies led by colleagues at UCI. We list some of these studies below. Please contact the researchers involved directly to see if you qualify.
Ophthalmic Biomarkers in early Alzheimer’s disease (HS# 2019-5254)
Retinal and visual changes have been described in severe and late stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Established biomarkers have not been discovered for the pre-dementia stage, however, when earlier intervention would be most impactful. The Eye Testing Lab, run by Drs. Andrew Browne and Lilangi Ediriwickrema, houses many afferent and efferent devices that can efficiently evaluate a patient’s visual anatomy and function. If identified and validated, visual testing technologies are poised to non-invasively and cost-effectively evaluate patients’ neurological structure and function.
If you would like more information on this research, please contact jkto@uci.edu
Sleep Apnea, Local Sleep, and Alzheimer’s disease (SALSA study – HS# 2017-3459)
Many of the participants in the main BEACoN study have already enrolled and participated in at least a portion of the SALSA study conducted at the new UCI Health Sleep Center in Newport Beach, and directed by Dr. Ruth Benca, Chair of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at UCI and a renowned sleep medicine researcher. Participants from the main BEACoN study who have additionally enrolled in the SALSA study are starting to be scheduled for overnight sleep assessments in the recently opened and state-of-the-art sleep medicine center. This study leverages the data collected on its participants from the main BEACoN study, minimizing the burden of redundant study procedures to the participants while sharing the incredibly valuable data collected between the research teams, maximizing its potential to help further research and treatments for cognitive decline.